Centrepoint Verne Industrial park
Centrepoint Verne a.s.
Is owner of Centrepoint Verne Industrial Park in North West Bohemia near the Czech German border. The land is zoned for industrial production and individual plots are available for purchase or rent.
Area is located 12 km from Chomutov city on the highway R13.

About the project
Centrepoint Verne Industrial Park offers 50 ha. of zoned Industrial land on the R13 with good access to Western Europe. First stage EIA has been completed for the zone and all Infrastructure is located on site. Land and units are available for rent or sale and planning permits have been prepared for Units allowing occupiers to move straight to the building permit stage of their required facility.
Klášterec town is located 3 Km from the site and along with Kadaň a neighboring town also 3 Km from the site provides a labour pool of 3,000 people available for immediate employment. Employee catchment area extends to Chomutov, the regional capital, 12 Km away. For more information on local employee figures go to our download page for latest labour office statistics.
Area is located 12 km from Chomutov city on the highway R13.